Smartphones & Cell Phones
Florida Atlantic University employees (faculty and staff) are eligible for a department-owned mobile communication device or a stipend to offset the cost of a personally owned mobile communication device. This telecommunications device is used to conduct University business and to carry out critical job functions and/or other University responsibilities.
How Do I Request the Service?
In order to provide the most comprehensive cellular phone service and superior coverage across the campus, the University has established contracts with two preferred carriers, AT&T Wireless and Verizon Wireless. With approval of the appropriate dean, or vice president, employees may receive a department-owned mobile communication device or stipend to offset the cost of a personally owned mobile communication device.
Request a Cell Phone Device
Help Desk Ticket SystemWhat Services Are Available?
Communication Infrastructure (CI) will assist eligible members of the University community with the following cellular service and equipment requests:
- Upgrading or replacing equipment
- Transferring current service and equipment to AT&T or Verizon
- Requesting new service and equipment
- Purchasing cellular accessories
- Deactivating or suspending service
- International travel with FAU-issued device
You may contact Communication Infrastructure Support Service at 561-297-6235 with any questions, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

FAU’s Cellular Policy
- Cellular phones are University property and MUST be returned to the Department when you upgrade or leave the University.
- Phones must be unlocked when turned in, and any lock screen passwords must be removed.